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Entries in education (1)


So proud of the 60 Emerging Scholars

Alongside my work as a management and IT consultant one of my great passions is leading the Emerging Scholars' Intervention Programme (ESIP). We work with 60 bright adolescent girls in need of support to become the enterprising, confident, resilient leaders the world needs. We work to a model of ability, belief and character (the ability to do something, the belief you can do it and the character you can get it done). Adolescence is a challenging time as you adapt to a role which is not a child nor an adult whilst your brain goes through a major rewiring process lasting years.

If we want a more diverse pool of professionals (by ethnicity, gender, faith and life experience) we need to work harder so we don't just keep recruiting 'people like us'. We need to be encouraging the curiousity and providing the environment which enables our young people to build their confidence and resilience. ESIP is one way to do this.

Enjoy our Journey brochures - the girls certainly enjoyed the journeys.

Year 8 ES Journey 2012-13

Year 9 ES Journey 2012-13

Website - www.esipforest.org.uk